The National Agency for Research and Development of the Republic of Moldova (ANCD) is conducting an information campaign for participation in five competitions of research and innovation projects from March 13 to 21, 2024. Details: The potential beneficiaries of these projects can be both public organizations in the field of research and innovation and private organizations active in research or willing to submit project proposals in partnership with research organizations. On March 20, 2024, an information session-seminar on project competitions in the field of research and innovation, organized by ANCD, was held at the Comrat State University (СSU). The informative seminar was initiated by Prof., PhD Hab., Alla LEVITSKAYA, an employee of InnoCenter СSU. The event was attended by representatives of the academic environment of СSU (Economic and Agro-technological faculties), interested organizations of the region. The participants of the event were welcomed by the Vice-Rector for Research and International Activities of СSU Assoc. Prof., PhD Svetlana GHENOVA, who noted the importance of research and partnership between СSU and ANCD, the importance of the information event for the academic community of СSU, which is involved in the process of developing new projects for the competition. The information session was conducted by Vadim IAȚCHEVICI, Head of the Department of Innovation Projects of ANCD, who presented information about the competitions: Competition of Innovation Projects, Competition of Technology Transfer Projects, Competition of Innovation Voucher Projects, competitions of projects "Stimulating Excellence in Research" and "Young Researchers" (5 directions). The participants of the information seminar were introduced to the new types of projects, these are support projects, projects to stimulate excellence in research, projects for innovation vouchers, and the fact that the submission of project applications this year will take place entirely on the ANCD platform. The event ended with a Q&A session, during which the researchers asked questions indicating their interest in participating in the competitions, as well as put forward some recommendations, suggestions in the hope of improving in the future the situation with the conditions of participation, the budget of projects. The Department of Project Activities of СSU encourages СSU researchers, teams of structural research units of СSU to become active and actively apply for participation in the ANCD research and innovation project competitions.
Electronic links to the Information presentations on the rules and conditions of submitting applications for participation in the competition: