CFP: Kremenets Comparative Studies (Ukraine, # 13, 2024)
Dear Colleague,
Taras Shevchenko Regional Humanitarian Pedagogical Academy of Kremenets and NGO “Volyn Cultural Initiatives” (Ukraine) invites you to submit a paper to the 13th annual scientific journal “Kremenets Comparative Studies” (ISSN 2311-262X).
The scientific journal aims to unite philologists to exchange opinions on modern research of literary and linguistic phenomena in a comparative aspect. The journal encourages submission in but is not limited to the subjects of comparative literature and linguistics:
1. Theoretical and Methodological Conceptions of Modern Comparative Literature and Linguistics.
2. Imagological, Postcolonial, Receptive and Intertextual Aspects of Comparative Literature.
3. Interdisciplinary Approach in Comparative Literature and Linguistics.
4. Contrastive Linguistics.
5. General Literary Studies and Linguistics.
6. Translation Studies.
7. World Literatures: Poetics, Theory, and History.
8. World Cinema as Narrative Art.
9. Gender and Identity in Literature and Language.
“Kremenets Comparative Studies” is indexed in Index Copernicus International.