On April 2, 2024, a meeting was held between the judo team of Comrat State University (CSU) and the Rector of CSU PhD, Assoc. Prof. Serghei ZAHARIA to discuss the preparation for the participation of student athletes in the National Student Judo Championship of the Republic of Moldova. In accordance with the plan approved by the Federation of Student Sports and Veterans of the Republic of Moldova, the CSU student athlete team prepared to compete at the National Student Judo Championship. On April 3, 2024, under the guidance of the Angela Polevaia-Secăreanu, PhD, Associate Professor at the Department of Pedagogy and Psychology of CSU, students from Comrat State University participated in the National Student Judo Championship-2024, held at the sports complex of the State University of Physical Education and Sport of the Republic of Moldova. Seven higher education institutions from the Republic of Moldova participated. In the CSU team at the Student Championship, in the individual competition, Nicolae Ștefoglo from the Comrat Judo School, coached by Petr Kuru, also participated. Nicolae Ștefoglo took second place (silver) in this competition in the weight category up to 66 kg, he is a student at the Faculty of Law of CSU, first year, group Ю-23. The CSU administration congratulates student Nicolae Ștefoglo on his well-deserved victory! They wish that this bright success is only the beginning of a journey to new heights in sports and learning: effort and dedication are always rewarded with achievements, and determination and hard work open up new horizons!
The message was prepared by Angela Polevaia-Secăreanu, PhD, Associate Professor at the Department of Pedagogy and Psychology of CSU