Корпоративная почта КГУИнновационный Инкубатор  Moodle KDU Центр непрерывного образования    
Friday, 26 January 2024 08:15

Defense of Master’s Theses of the specialty “Teaching Germanic Languages at the Educational Institutions in Multiethnic Environment” at Comrat State University

On January 25, 2024, on Students' Day, the defense of master’s theses was held at the Department of Foreign Languages of Comrat State University in the group of MGYA-22 in the amount of 8 students.

Defense of a master’s thesis is an important, decisive moment, a kind of examination of scientific and professional maturity. During this procedure, our master’s students have demonstrated the results of their one and a half year work - a report on the research presented in the dissertation, conclusions and recommendations for eliminating the problem under study.

Master’s students of the MGYA-22 group presented their master’s theses at a high level. The graduates successfully defended their works and then answered questions of the committee members.

The works were distinguished by the relevance of the chosen research topic and practical significance. Master’s students deeply studied modern problems of teaching Germanic languages.

The State Examination Commission valued the high scientific level and practical significance of the presented research. Members of the commission congratulated the students on their successful defense and wished them good luck and further success in their teaching activities.

Master’s degree is the key to fundamental and practical knowledge. Master’s studies gave our master’s students the opportunity to gain additional knowledge in the field of teaching Germanic languages, develop their ideas and create the necessary foundation for a doctoral school.

Special thanks to all the members of the State Examination Committee, as well as to the Chairman of the State Examination Committee, Iuliana Tiosa, PhD., Associate Professor of  Ion Creangă State Pedagogical University.

Congratulations to our graduates on completing their master’s studies and on being awarded the Master of Pedagogical Sciences qualification! We wish you the implementation of your plans and success in mastering the teaching of Germanic languages!

A graduation ceremony for our graduates will take place soon.