Инновационный Инкубатор  Moodle KDU Центр непрерывного образования    
Monday, 11 December 2023 13:02

Visit of the Uzbek delegation to Comrat State University

The delegation of the Nukus Innovation Institute of the Republic of Karakalpakstan, headed by the rector Azamov Anvar, the vice-rector for international cooperation - Musagaliev Azhiniyaz, the Founder - Kushmurotov Elmurot, paid an official visit to Comrat State University as part of scientific interaction to conclude a contract on international cooperation between universities on December 1, 2023.

During the visit, Rector of Comrat State University https://kdu.md/en/, doctor, conf. univ., Zaharia S.K., with the rector of the Nukus Innovation Institute, Republic of Karakalpakstan https://nukusii.uz/ru, Doctor of Pedagogy Azamov Anvar signed a Memorandum of Understanding and Cooperation to expand collaboration between the two universities.

To expand and promote their mutual interests, both parties agreed to encourage the organization of the following events:

o          Exchange of information related to the area of cooperation, including information on the needs for the results of the Parties' activities and opportunities to meet these needs.

o          Consultation on issues related to the activities of the Parties of mutual interest.

o          Planning of joint activities (development of programs) aimed at achieving the goals of this Agreement.

o          Preparation and implementation of joint research programs in certain scientific areas, including programs and projects with international participation.

o          Organization of scientific and technical expertise of projects and programs and other types of expertise with the participation of employees of the Parties.

o          Academic exchange of teachers within the framework of educational and scientific programs to carry out teaching activities and give lectures.

o          Mutual exchange of students, undergraduates, and doctoral students, creation of the necessary conditions for deepening theoretical and practical knowledge, for practical training.

The purpose of the memorandum is to develop cooperation in the field of education and scientific research, promote mutual understanding between universities, strive for cooperation in the field of education and research, and collaborate with academic staff, faculties, departments, research centers, and students.

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