1.1. Comrat State University is the legal successor of the Gagauz National University opened by a joint decision of the All-Russian Education Foundation and the Executive Committee of the Comrat District Council of People's Deputies of February 11, 1991, it was founded by the Decree of the Government of the Republic of Moldova No. 408 of August 01, 1991.
1.2. Comrat State University is a structural unit in the higher education system of the Republic of Moldova and is subordinate to the Ministry of Education and Researches of the Republic of Moldova.
1.3. The University is a center of continuous education, science and culture, the main goal is the education and training of highly qualified specialists and scientific personnel and operates autonomously in accordance with the current legislation of the Republic of Moldova, as well as UTA Gagauzia (within the framework of the current regulatory acts of the Republic of Moldova).
1.4. The basis for the training and education of students is their mastery of knowledge in the relevant specialty, the study of world and national cultures, education in the spirit of high morality and the best traditions of the peoples inhabiting Moldova.
1.5. The main tasks of the University are:
- realization of the individual's need for intellectual, cultural and moral development; creating conditions for professional growth and improvement;
- training specialists combining high culture, professional competence and civic maturity, meeting the needs of the republic and especially the southern region of Moldova for highly qualified personnel with Higher University Education (Licentiate, Master);
- organizing and conducting fundamental, exploratory, applied scientific research and improving on this basis the quality of training specialists;
- implementation of research and development work aimed at solving urgent social and economic problems of the Republic and the southern region of Moldova;
- development and provision of scientific and technical, scientific and consulting services to enterprises, organizations, institutions, firms and individuals (on a contract’s basis);
- training of highly qualified scientific personnel for educational and scientific institutions, economic entities, retraining and advanced training of specialists employed in the social and economic sphere;
- participation in various projects;
- dissemination of scientific knowledge among the population;
- protection of basic democratic principles based on respect for human rights and freedoms.
1.6. The University carries out training, retraining and advanced training of personnel by order of the Government of the Republic of Moldova and on a contractual basis with interested state institutions, economic entities, individuals of the Republic of Moldova and UTA Gagauzia.
1.7. The University carries out international relations in the field of training, retraining and advanced training of specialists and pedagogical personnel, performing scientific research, introducing scientific and technical developments on a contractual basis. All types of international cooperation are carried out under intergovernmental agreements as well as under agreements and contracts concluded with Universities or other organizations and individuals of foreign countries on a compensation basis at the expense of funds transferred by these organizations (persons).
1.8. The University ensures the conclusion of contracts with archives, museums and educational institutions for the purpose of conducting internships, research work with students and members of academic staff.
1.9. The reorganization and (or) termination of the activities of the state University is carried out by the decision of the President of the Republic of Moldova on the proposal of the Government of the Republic of Moldova.
2.1. The structure of the University is determined by its Senate. And it includes the following main divisions: faculties, departments, laboratories, centers, experimental station (site), departments, sectors (divisions), sports and other clubs, self-supporting divisions. The structure of the University is drawn up and approved by the Senate and agreed by the Ministry of Education and Researches of the Republic of Moldova.
2.2. The decision to open (close) faculties is made by the Board of the Ministry of Education and Researches of the Republic of Moldova on the proposal of the University Senate; and faculties, departments, laboratories, centers, sectors (divisions) - by the decision of the Senate of the University as advised by the Faculty Council.
2.3. The University may include research, production and other economic enterprises and budgetary organizations and institutions that have the status of structural units of the university or legal entity.
2.4. The Faculty is an educational, scientific and administrative unit of the University, which conducts its activities to train highly qualified specialists in various fields.
The Faculty operates on the basis of the Regulations-staff of the Faculty of the Higher Education Institution on the basis of the decision of the Board of the Ministry of Education of the Republic of Moldova No. 4/2 dated May 27, 2010;
The Faculty consists of departments, laboratories, sectors (divisions), sections and other divisions;
The Faculty has the right to make independent decisions within its competence;
The Faculty, on the basis of contracts with ministries, with government agencies and other economic entities (including foreign ones), has the right to carry out various types of work (services).
2.5. The Department functions on the basis of the Regulations-Tkadru of the Faculty of the Higher Educational Institution on the basis of the decision of the Board of the Ministry of Education and Researches.
RM No. 4/2 dated May 27, 2010 and its own regulations agreed by the Faculty Council and approved by the University Senate.
The Department has the right to make independent decisions within its competence on the basis of the current legislation and the Charter (Charter) of the University.
The Department organizes and carries out didactic, methodological and scientific activities in one or several related specialties.
The Department can have the status of a special department (Faculty), main (University) and University-wide.
The Department develops curricula for the specialties assigned to it.
2.6. The Laboratory is a structural subdivision of the faculty (university), which aims to ensure the implementation of research, practical work in various disciplines in accordance with the curriculum.
2.7. Departments, laboratories, sectors (divisions), sections have the right to make independent decisions within their competence (including the right to spend earned funds at their discretion) on the basis of the current legislation and the University Regulation.
2.8. Departments, laboratories, sectors (divisions), sites on a contractual basis with state and other economic entities (including foreign ones) have the right to carry out various types of work (services).
2.9. The CSU library is a scientific and cultural center and performs informational - methodological function and cultural - mass work.
2.10. Property, inventory and means of departments, laboratories, departments, sectors (divisions), areas can be withdrawn or transferred to other structural divisions only by decision of the Faculty Council or the University Senate upon their dissolution.
3.1. The highest self-governing branch of the collective of workers and students is the University Senate elected for 5 years in accordance with the Regulation on the occupation of leading positions and on the election of governing bodies in higher educational institutions of the Republic of Moldova, approved by the Decision of the Council of the Ministry of Education of the Republic of Moldova No. 2/1 of October 28, 2011 of the year.
3.2. The Senate has the following competences:
- considers and approves the Regulation (Charter) of the University and in agreement with the trade union committee, the Internal Regulations and the Collective Labor Agreement;
- elects the rector on a competitive basis for a period of 5 years and approves his Action Program. The elected rector is the chairman of the Senate;
- hears the reports of the rector and the progress of the implementation of his Program of Action;
- organizes and conducts a competition for filling vacant scientific and didactic positions;
- applies to the Higher Attestation Commission of the Republic of Moldova for the approval of the scientific and pedagogical titles of Doctor - Conference, Professor - Universities;
- approves deans, heads of departments and laboratories;
- considers the main issues of economic and social development of the University (estimates of income and expenses);
- considers the staffing table and agrees with the trade union committee for approval by the Ministry of Education and Researches of the Republic of Moldova;
- determines the procedure, directions for the use of funds for wages and material incentives;
- establishes the amount of payment for the contract form of training;
- determines the benefits for the contractual form of training for University employees and other categories of persons who contribute to raising the prestige of the university within the Republic of Moldova and beyond;
- solves the issues of improving the management and organizational structure of the University, compliance with state and labor discipline, outlines measures to strengthen it;
- hears reports from the heads of the main structural divisions of the University;
- defines the rights and limits of powers of the Councils of faculties and other divisions;
- makes decisions on all issues of organizing the educational process and scientific research;
- approves the curricula of departments in specialties;
- hears the reports of the scientific - didactic and administrative council, the results of the adoption of state examinations;
- considers issues of creation, abolition and renaming of sites, sectors, divisions, departments, laboratories, departments and petitions the Ministry of Education and Researches of the Republic of Moldova to open or close faculties;
- solves the issues of training and advanced training of personnel;
- the decisions of the University Senate taken within the limits of its authority and in accordance with the current legislation are binding on the administration and members of the University staff;
3.3. The University Senate includes: rector (chairman), vice-rectors, deans of faculties, leading professors, associate professors, heads of independent organizations and main departments of the university, chairman of a trade union organization.
3.4. The rest of the Senate members (no more than 25%, including students and doctoral students, 10% of auxiliary personnel) are subject to election at the Faculty Councils from among the teaching/acaddemic staff and students recommended for inclusion in the University Senate. The number of representatives in the Senate of each faculty is determined in accordance with the principle of equality of faculties.
3.5. A meeting of the University Senate is held as needed but at least once every two months or at the initiative of 1/3 of the Senate members.
3.6. The decision of the University Senate is adopted by a simple majority of votes both open and secret ballot and is considered competent if at least 2/3 of the members of the Senate took part in its meeting. The decision comes into force from the moment of its adoption.
3.7. For the operational management of the University a bureau of the University Senate is created consisting of the rector, vice-rectors and the academic secretary of the Senate.
3.8. For the current management of the University, an administrative council of the University is created, consisting of: rector (chairman), vice-rectors, deans of faculties, chief accountant, head of the educational department, lawyer and chairman of the trade union committee.
3.9. The management of all activities of the University is carried out by an elected rector. The Senate of the University by secret ballot on a competitive basis for a period of 5 years from among doctors, doctors of habilitate sciences. The procedure for electing a rector is regulated by the Decree of the Government of the Republic of Moldova No. 112 dated February 28, 1996. The elected rector is approved by the Government of the Republic of Moldova and after that takes up his duties.
3.10. Rector of CSU, within the framework of his competence and in accordance with the regulatory acts:
- is responsible for the results of the University's activities;
- acts on behalf of the University and represents it in all government bodies and economic entities, both on the territory of the Republic and abroad;
- manages and checks the used fixed and circulating funds of CSU, concludes contracts, issues a power of attorney, opens bank accounts;
- appoints and dismisses vice-rectors, coordinating with the Senate of CSU and the Ministry of Education and Researches of the Republic of Moldova;
- appoints and dismisses the chief accountant, heads of departments, divisions, sectors, laboratories, sections and other chief specialists;
- recruiting and dismissing employees, ensuring compliance with the established procedure for filling positions of teaching staff and scientific workers;
- approves the elected heads of independent organizations and departments that make up the University, determines their powers and competencies;
- together with the trade union organization, decides on the issues of bonuses to employees, including vice-rectors and heads of structural divisions and students;
- directly supervises the activities of vice-rectors, deans, heads of other departments;
- conducts meetings of the Senate, the Administrative Council and ensures the implementation of the decisions taken.
3.11. Discussion of important issues of the life and activities of the University can be brought up at a University-wide conference or referendum on which there are significant disagreements in the team. The status of the conference or referendum is approved by the University Senate.
3.12. The supreme governing branch of the faculty is the Faculty Council elected for 5 years in accordance with the Regulation on leadership positions and on the election of governing bodies in the Higher Educational Institutions of the Republic of Moldova on the basis of the Decision of the Council of the Ministry of Education of the Republic of Moldova No. 2/1 dated October 28, 2010;
3.13. The number of members of the Faculty Council is determined by the University Senate. Quotas of representation of various categories of workers, students and doctoral students are distributed as follows: scientific and didactic personnel 75-80%, students and doctoral students 20-25%.
3.14. Faculty Council:
- can nominate the dean of the faculty for election by the Senate of KSU and hears his annual reports.
- the elected dean is the chairman of the faculty council;
- can nominate the head of the department and the head of the laboratory and recommends for approval by the Senate;
- considers and makes decisions on all issues of organizing the educational process, scientific research, training and advanced training of the faculty staff, makes proposals on improving the activities of the University, the decision of which falls within the competence of the University Senate;
- considers drafts of curricula and scientific plans, contracts for international cooperation, determines and ensures an increase in the level of technical equipment of the educational process;
- analyzes the results of the faculty's activities (educational process, internships), studies the issues of transferring students from one form of study to another, training in two specialties, distance learning, transfer from one to another specialty;
- approves plans for scientific research and advanced training of scientific and teaching staff, individual plans for persons enrolled in master's and doctoral studies;
- annually approves and proposes to the Senate for approval the dean's report on scientific, educational and educational activities.
3.15. The University Senate may delegate additional powers to the Faculty Council.
3.16. The Faculty is managed by the dean who is elected on an alternative basis by the University Senate by secret ballot for a period of 5 years from among doctors and doctors of habilitate of sciences, professors, associate professors and is approved in office by the order of the University rector.
3.17. If an application was not submitted for the vacant position of dean or a candidate was not nominated and also if the candidate for the post of dean of the faculty did not receive the specified number of votes (50% + 1 vote) in the elections then the rector appoints by order of the University the acting dean of one of the teachers of this faculty who has scientific and pedagogical experience and leading work experience.
3.18. Dean of the Faculty:
- is personally responsible for the results of the work of the faculty;
- within the limits of its competence, issues orders and instructions that are binding on all employees and students of the faculty;
- organizes the educational and scientific process at the faculty, ensures the implementation of curricula and programs, measures for educational work and strengthening of discipline, coordinates the plans of research work of the structural divisions of the faculty; decides on the provision of academic leaves, assignment of scholarships to students, is in charge of the use of student housing stock; makes proposals for the expulsion and reinstatement of students;
- is subordinate to the rector, and on issues of educational and scientific work, economic financial activities - to the corresponding vice-rectors.
3.19. Department, laboratory, sector, section are the structural basic units of the faculty. Questions of educational, methodological and scientific activities of the department, laboratory, department, sector, site are considered at meetings of their scientific and pedagogical staff. The relevant decisions are taken by open or secret ballot.
3.20. The department, laboratory,sector, section is headed by the head are elected by the Senate of the University on a competitive basis for a period of 5 years:
- the head of a department, laboratory, section is directly subordinate to the dean of the faculty (deputy);
- the head of the department, laboratory, section organizes the work of employees, acts in accordance with the Regulations - to the staff of the faculty of the Higher Educational Institution on the basis of the Decision of the Board of the Ministry of Education of the RM No. 4/2 dated May 27, 2010 and is directly responsible for the results of the work of the department ...
3.21. Departments of the University management apparatus operate within their competence as independent structural units.
3.22. To carry out methodological work at the University, an educational and methodological council is created, which organizes its work in accordance with the Regulations that are approved by the Senate of the university.
3.23. To conduct scientific and research work at the University, a scientific council is created, which organizes its work in accordance with the Regulations that are approved by the Senate of the University.
3.24. The activities of political parties of social and political movements and organizations within the framework of the Comrat State University are strictly prohibited.
4.1. At the University the positions of the teaching and research staff, specialists, employees, administrative, production and other personnel are envisaged by the staffing table approved by the Ministry of Education and Researches of the Republic of Moldova.
4.2. The replacement of positions of the teaching and research staff is carried out on a competitive basis on the basis of the Regulation on the replacement of teaching positions in higher University educational institutions No. 854 of 09.21.2010. A person who has successfully passed the competition is approved in office by order of the rector for a period of 5 years in accordance with the procedure established by law.
4.3. The teaching and research staff of the university has the right to:
- elect and be elected to the University Senate and Faculty Council;
- participate in the discussion of the most important issues of educational, scientific, creative, industrial, educational and social activities of the University, Faculty;
- use laboratories, offices, classrooms, reading rooms, libraries, printing house and computer class services, educational and scientific departments of the University;
- use medical care; use the services of existing structural units of the University:
- chairs, departments, sectors, other divisions;
- choose the methods and means of teaching that are most fully consistent with the individual, providing a high quality of the educational process
- carry out scientific, pedagogical work fulfilling the duties of other staff members on the basis of intra-university part-time work;
- choose the forms and methods of teaching using various textbooks and methodological and didactic material;
- take an active part in the improvement of curricula and analytical programs, in the publication of textbooks, methodological works conducting scientific research.
4.4. The teaching and research staff of the university is obliged to:
- ensure high efficiency of the pedagogical process, educate students' moral qualities and the best traditions of the peoples living in Moldova, develop their independence, initiative, creativity;
- conduct scientific research, ensuring a high level of education and further development of scientific and technological progress, actively involve students in them;
- constantly improve your professional level;
- regularly undergo various forms of advanced training at least once every five years;
- comply with the internal regulations of the Department, Faculty, University;
- draw up analytical programs, participate in the improvement of curricula;
- observe ethical norms and moral principles of justice, humanity, tolerance, hard work, citizenship;
- not to engage in nationalist, political, military, religious propaganda;
- comply with the safety standards necessary for optimal learning conditions for students;
- conduct the educational process on the basis of moral principles of respect for the family, civic maturity, achievement of world and national culture in the spirit of high morality;
4.5. Corporeal, physical, psychological punishment of students is prohibited.
4.6. The rights and obligations of the teaching staff and scientific staff are determined and controlled by the Law of the RM No. 547 of July 21, 1995 "On Education", the Regulations for the staff of the department of the Higher Education Institution, the Regulations for the staff of the Faculty of the Higher Education Institution approved by the Decision of the Board of the Ministry of Education of the Republic of Moldova No. 4/2 dated May 27, 2010; KSU Charter approved job descriptions.
4.7. The rights and obligations of educational support and administrative personnel are determined and controlled by the Internal Regulations, Regulations on Departments, services and job descriptions.
4.8. For successes in teaching, research and economic activities in relation to the teaching and research staff and other employees of the University are applied measures of material and moral incentives.
4.9. For committed violations of the Internal Labor Regulations, disciplinary and administrative sanctions are applied to the teaching and research staff and other employees of the University.
4.10. Admission, expulsion and restoration of students obtaining a second education are regulated by the current legislation of the Republic of Moldova.
4.11. Citizens of foreign states are enrolled in the University in accordance with the Regulations on the Study of Foreign Citizens and Stateless Persons in Educational Institutions of the Republic of Moldova approved by the Decree of the Government of the Republic of Moldova No. 746 of 21.06.2003. They enjoy the rights and fulfill the duties established for students of the Republic of Moldova.
4.12. Students are paid a scholarship and are provided with a hostel, medical, service, educational literature prescribed by law.
4.13. University students are issued a student card and a standard record book.
4.14. University students have the right to:
- elect and be elected to the Faculty Council and the University Senate;
- unite in public organizations in order to solve the most important issues of student life and the activities of the University;
- use classrooms and equipment, a library, a sports base and other premises for holding social and cultural events;
- participate together with departments and dean's offices in the discussion and definition of disciplines of specialization in the curriculum;
- attend additionally other types of studies conducted at the University in order to acquire a second specialty, subject to passing the entrance exams for the second specialty;
- switch to an individual training plan for obtaining higher education ahead of schedule on the recommendation of the department ;
- raise the issue of replacing teachers who do not provide high-quality teaching;
- take part in research work.
4.15. University students are required to:
- master theoretical knowledge, practical skills and modern research methods in the chosen specialty;
- attend training sessions;
- complete all types of assignments provided for by the relevant curricula and training programs for the chosen specialty on time and in full;
- comply with the Regulation (Charter) of the University, the internal regulations of the university and student hostels;
- observe moral principles in relation to the team, group;
- take good care of University property; observe discipline and order in educational buildings and hostels; constantly strive to improve general culture, moral and physical perfection;
- be personally responsible for material educational values and compensate material damage in case of violation;
- comply with the Code of University Ethics.
4.16. Active participation in research work and public life, measures of moral and material encouragement are applied to University students for good academic success.
4.17. University students are subject to administrative and disciplinary sanctions, including expulsion from the university for committed violations and failure to fulfill their duties.
4.18. Students receive the right to free employment or are sent to work in accordance with the concluded contracts or the order of the Ministry of Education and Researches of the Republic of Moldova upon graduation from the University .
4.19. Former university students are eligible for reinstatement within five years (at least 10 months after expulsion) after expulsion on a contract basis.
5.1. The training of specialists is carried out according to the approved list of specialties and is conducted in full-time and part-time courses in accordance with the Law of the Republic of Moldova "On Education'' of the Republic of Moldova, regulations and provisions of the Ministry of Education and Researches of the Republic of Moldova, decisions of the Senate, orders and orders of the rector in compliance with the principles of the Bologna Process and ECTS / SNCS regulations. The duration of part-time studies is one year longer than the duration of full-time studies.
5.2. The training of students is carried out both with budgetary funding and on a contract basis.
5.3. The content of training is determined by curricula adopted by the Senate and approved by the Ministry of Education and Researches of the Republic of Moldova.
5.4. Education at the University is conducted in Romanian, Gagauz, Russian, Bulgarian and other languages.
5.5. Admission of students to CSU is carried out on a competitive basis according to the general rules established by the Ministry of Education and Researches of the Republic of Moldova.
5.6. In order to ensure high-quality training of personnel and create the necessary healthy and safe learning conditions the university:
- organizes the educational process in accordance with the Order of the Minister of the Ministry of Education of the Republic of Moldova No. 455 dated June 03, 2011 (Plan-staff for higher education) and other regulations;
- provides students with premises for all types of classes, provides them with teaching aids (educational and other literature, audiovisual and other means, computers, instruments, equipment, furniture, etc.);
- places on its territory medical and sanitary institutions (points), canteens as well as other organizations on its balance sheet and serving its staff.
- The University year in higher education begins on September 1 and has a duration of 42 weeks, including 2 relatively equal semesters, two examination sessions, practical internships to which two vacation periods are added. The semester lasts an average of 15 weeks.
- The diversion of students from studies to work is not related to the educational process and is permitted by the decision of the University Senate with the exception of students of the “Agrarian and Technological Faculty that have their own educational and experimental site.
The following types of educational activities are established at the University:
- lectures;
- laboratory, practical and seminar classes;
- educational, industrial and other types of practice;
- term paper (project);
- thesis (licensed project);
- consultation, individual work under the guidance of a teacher/lecturer;
- control, control and graphic work, colloquium;
- independent studies of students, research work.
The full-time academic year is divided into two semesters each of them ends with an examination session. Training sessions are held according to the schedule drawn up by the dean's office for the semester and approved by the vice-rector for academic affairs. The academic year in the correspondence department is determined by the schedule for the implementation of curricula developed by the dean's office and approved by the University leadership.
- The knowledge, skills and abilities of students are determined on a ten-point scale system and are taken into account when calculating the average score for calculating the scholarship. Grades 4, 3, 2, 1 are considered unsatisfactory. Knowledge control is carried out in writing orally (by decision of the department approved by the Faculty Council).
- Students who have not completed the curriculum in full in three or more disciplines for an unjustified reason are not allowed to the examination session and are expelled from the University upon the presentation of the dean's office.
- Students who have not completed the curriculum for the expired semester (course) or have more than 1/3 of disrespectful absences in the discipline provided by the curriculum in this semester are not transferred to the next semester (course) and are expelled. Retaking the exam is allowed no more than two times including one at a commission consisting of three persons which is formed by the dean of the faculty in agreement with the head of the department. If a student receives an unsatisfactory mark at the test session in the presence of the commission he is subject to expulsion. When a student receives three unsatisfactory marks (results) in three subjects at the examination session he is subject to automatic expulsion. At the request of the dean's office it is allowed to retake the exams in exceptional cases by order of the rector.
Retaking an exam in a discipline where an unsatisfactory mark was obtained is allowed after the end of the session within a month after the holidays.
Retaking the exam to improve the mark is prohibited.
- Students who have fulfilled all the requirements of the curriculum are admitted to the final state licensing exams based on the results of which the issue of assigning the graduate the appropriate qualifications and issuing him a diploma of the appropriate sample is decided. The graduate is issued a diploma and an application of the established form.
- Students can study simultaneously in two specialties from the 2nd year subject to the successful completion of the competition. In this case they can receive a state scholarship for the first specialty.
6.1. The University conducts research according to thematic plans approved by the University Senate ensuring the quality of work and safe working conditions based on self-sufficiency and self-financing.
6.2. The main objectives of the university's research activities are:
- ensuring the all-round development of fundamental research in the most important areas of natural and humanitarian sciences;
- conducting search and highly effective applied works aimed at solving the most pressing problems for the socio-economic development of the republic and UTA Gagauzia;
- execution of research and technological work under business contracts with economic entities;
- preparation of textbooks and teaching aids for the education system of the republic and UTA Gagauzia;
- implementation of research work of a scientific and methodological nature, implementation of the results of research work, promotion of scientific knowledge;
- development of students' creative thinking, the formation of skills in mastering a specialty, constant improvement of their knowledge.
6.3. Scientific research is financed from the state budget, contracts and from special funds of the university and other sources.
Postgraduate education and training is carried out in the following forms:
- doctoral studies (attaching doctoral students and applicants for passing doctoral exams and preparing doctoral dissertations; scientific, pedagogical, creative internships at enterprises, institutions, research, design organizations as well as in other Universities of the Republic and abroad; sabbatical leave to complete work on a thesis , monograph, textbook);
- postdoctoral studies;
- retraining at special faculties of Universities, research institutes and qualifications and retraining of personnel both within the Republic and abroad.
8.1. The university is:
- a legal entity;
- possesses separate property;
- has fixed and circulating assets, independent balance;
- has budgetary and non-budgetary accounts in national currency in banks of the Republic of Moldova;
- may have accounts in foreign currency in banks including abroad;
- can acquire property and non-property rights;
- can be a plaintiff and a defendant in the courts; has a round seal depicting the state emblem, a stamp with all names, an emblem and a trademark;
- has its own symbols and other details;
- Location of the university: 17 Galatsana Str., Comrat.
8.2. To solve the assigned tasks the University has the right to:
- make independent decisions within their competence if they do not contradict the current legislation and comply with this Regulation (Charter). This right also applies to educational, research and production-economic activities throughout the territory on which the University buildings are located and which is leased to him;
- create educational complexes and scientific institutions on its basis;
- have a scientific-methodological, educational-methodical and other printed organ;
- determine the forms and systems of workers' wages;
- choose the directions of using funds for labor remuneration and distribute the labor payment fund in accordance with the labor contribution of the collective and each employee;
- transfer from balance to balance and sell equipment, devices and installations, including materials and printed materials made by the University;
- organize self-supporting subdivisions to improve the educational and material base and provide various services to individuals in the prescribed manner;
- acquire, rent, order at the expense of the funds allocated to him or his own funds, the buildings, structures, equipment and materials necessary for the University;
- leave at our disposal and use to expand the material, technical and social base the funds received from the lease of unused equipment, inventory, materials and other resources;
- enter into cooperation with other organizations, create and join various councils, associations, joint ventures in order to improve the educational process and research activities of the University;
- carry out external international activities on student training, student exchange with foreign Universities, internship for teachers abroad, establishing links with foreign scientific and research organizations, as well as other contacts on training, scientific research, conducting commercial activities, etc.
9.1. Comrat State University is an institution with a non-profit financial autonomy which exercises its
activities in conditions of self-government and financial autonomy;
9.2. Financial autonomy lies in the University's right to organize its activities and manage its own financial resources independently, to exercise academic and administrative freedoms without any ideological, political or religious interference, to assume certain obligations and competencies in accordance with the national content and strategic direction of development of the higher and research sector, development and innovation which are established by law and policy documents.
9.3. Financial autonomy correlates with the principles of public responsibility for the quality of vocational training and research activities, the provision of services that are carried out by the institution with the efficient management of funds and state property.
9.4. Financial autonomy is realized through:
a) management of financial resources including funds allocated from the state budget through bank accounts;
b) management of funds from various sources and property in accordance with the Development Plan of the institution and in the manner established by the Regulation on the Procedure for the Functioning of State Higher Education Institutions in Conditions of Financial Autonomy;
c) placing on bank deposits the balance of funds available in the bank account;
d) determining the size of the contract for training, payment for accommodation in a hostel agreed with the Founder in accordance with the methodology approved by the Government;
e) establishment of programs and the possibility of their implementation;
f) social support for students and employees;
g) provision of study and research scholarships;
h) establishing the internal structure of the institution and approving the budget;
i) property management, development, strengthening and equipping of the institution;
j) attracting financial resources by participating in research, investment projects on the basis of cooperation with various national and international partners;
k) creation of units and divisions for research and development, design, provision of services and production activities;
l) creation of an association of legal entities and professional associations in accordance with the law.
9.5. Financial autonomy is exercised in accordance with the law and public responsibility based on the following sources of income:
a) funds allocated by the Founder from the state budget for the provision of educational services by the institution on the basis signed with him in order to train specialists in accordance with the Plan (State order) and support orphan students and those under guardianship;
b) funds allocated from the state budget for research and development activities received on the basis of a competition organized by a competent structure;
c) funds received from the provision of services for research and development carried out by order on the basis of a contract;
d) funds received as a result of scientific research carried out on the basis of international research and development projects;
e) funds contributed as fees for tuition or education by students of the I and II Cycles, complex research as well as from advanced training courses;
f) bank income from temporary placement of available financial resources on bank deposits;
g) donation and sponsorship;
h) lease and lease agreements;
i) other sources obtained from the economic activities of CSU within the framework of the Law.
9.6. The budget for the income and expenses of the institution is approved annually with the obligatory observance of the budgetary balance.
9.7. The draft annual budget of the institution is discussed at the commission for social dialogue "employer - employee" and approved by the Senate of the institution. The report on the implementation of the annual budget is presented to the Senate by the rector in the first quarter of the next calendar year.
9.8. The financial management bodies of CSU consist of the University Senate and the Administrative Council.
The financial management bodies of CSU carry out the following functions: 1) approval of the Development Plan for at least 5 years which contains the vision, mission, development strategy of the institution and the main measures for their implementation; 2) planning, approval, implementation, monitoring and evaluation of financial resources; 3) approval of strategic decisions regarding:
- property management;
- remuneration and staff motivation
- setting the amount of tuition fees, for accommodation in a hostel, for services and work;
- cooperation with economic agents;
- management of financial resources;
- making proposals for mergers with other higher education institutions;
- management in relation to intellectual property rights; h) management of the institution in the process of technology;
- implementation of the relationship with the labor market.
9.9.The financing of educational services provided by the University in accordance with the Plan (State Order) for the training of specialists financed from the state budget is provided by the Ministry of Education and Researches of the Republic of Moldova.
9.10. The material and technical base of the university consists of buildings, a library and classrooms, a laboratory, a medical center, canteens, outfits, vehicles, equipment and other material and technical means provided for by the current regulations.
9.11. The development of the material and technical base is carried out at the expense of the university, obtained from legal sources of funding.