The Department of Information Technology, Mathematics and Physics
Popiel Gennadiy Petrovich, M.A. in Education
The Head of the Department
tel. +373 298 2-21-85
e-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
The Department of Information Technology, Mathematics and Physics was founded in 1991.
Since that time, the Department has been led by Iovchu M.I., senior lecturer (1991-1995); Popiel G. P., senior lecturer (1995-2005); Kovrikova R.N., Doctor, associate professor (2005-2011); Sirkeli V. P., Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences(2011-2018).
From 2018 to the present the Department has been led by Popiel G. P., MA in Education, senior lecturer.
The department provides excellent training in Higher Mathematics, Information Technologies
and Physics to students of all faculties of CSU.
The Department of Information Technology, Mathematics and Physics carries out research on issues related to use of new information technologies in education. The teachers of the Department organize regular workshops for university lecturers and students. Professional Staff Development Courses for teachers of Mathematics, informatics and other professionals in the field of education are organized at the Department.
Department staff:
- Popiel Gennadiy Petrovich, the head of the Department, senior lecturer, M.A. in Education
- Kovrikova Raisa Nikolaevna, Doctor of Education, associate professor
- Velikova Tatyana Gavrilovna, Doctor of Education, associate professor
- Iovchu Mikhail Ivanovich, senior lecturer, M.A. in Education (Applied Information Science).
- Sibova Olga Georgievna senior lecturer, M.A. in Economics, M.A. in Education (Applied Information Science).
- Kyssa Liliya Petrovna, senior lecturer, M.A. in Education (Applied Information Science).
- Lupashku Svetlana Ivanovna, senior lecturer, M.A. in Education (Applied Information Science).
- Uzun Valentina Ivanovna, dispatcher of the Department
- Vlah Elena Andreevna, senior laboratory assistant of the Department
- Radanov Gennadiy, laboratory assistant of the Department
- Ryaposov Denis, laboratory assistant of the Department
The staff members of the Department are constantly updating their skills, some lecturers are attending Doctoral school. Popiel Gennadiy Petrovich, Kyssa Liliya Petrovna, Lupashku Svetlana Ivanovna are attending Doctoral school at the Tiraspol State University(Chisinau).
Training of the specialists:
The department provides training in the following specialties:
I cycle(Licence)
- Informatics(the exact sciences);
- Computer Science(Education sciences);
- Computer Science and Mathematics(Education sciences);
- Informational Management
Form of instruction: full-time.
II cycle (Master Degree Studies)
- Didactics of Mathematics
- Didactics of Computer Science
Form of instruction: full-time/part-time.
Mobility programme's participation:
In May 2011, Associate Professor, Doctor of Education, Kovrikova Raisa Nikolaevna has participated in the mobility programme "ERASMUS+ Programme for Education, Training, Youth and Sport", The Alexandru Ioan Cuza University, Iasi.
The students of the Department have participated in the following mobility programmes:
- Knyazeva Vitaliya, the student of the group I-16 during the second semester of Academic year 2017/2018 participated in the mobility programme "ERASMUS+ Programme for Education, Training, Youth and Sport", Faculty of Computer Science, The Alexandru Ioan Cuza University, Iasi
- Kelesh Andrey, Baba Dmitriy, Yakobaki Ivan, the students of the group I-16 during the first semester of Academic year 2018/2019 participated in the mobility programme Erasmus+ Exchange Student, Anadolu University, Faculty of Engineering, Department of Computer Engineering
Participation in the projects:
The academic and teaching staff of the department successfully participated in the following projects:
- ERASMUS+ TEACH ME 561820-EPP-1-2015-1- DE-EPPKA2-CBHE-JP Creating Moldovan E-network for promoting e-teaching in the continuing professional education, 2015-2018.
- 530349-TEMPUS-1-2012-1-FR-TEMPUS-JPHES «Inter-University Start-Up Centers for Students' Innovations Development and promotion - SUCSID», 2012-2015.
- 144742-1-2008-1-DE-Tempus-JPHES - „Educational centers’ network on modern technologies of local governing” (ECESIS), 2008-2010.
- 516597-TEMPUS 1-2011-1-FR «Creating thematic university networks in appliedand economical sciences in the Republic of Moldova», 2011-2014.
- 530621-BG-JPGR TEMPUS- La MANCHE «Leading and Managing Change in Higher Education», 2012-2015
The Department has got a great experience of working with the SES Expert from Germany- Werner Hassenpflug within the framework of the project entitled MD – KOUNIIT 71757782, who shared his experience of using the Moodle learning platform, conducted training sessions for both students and teachers of the department.
Department events:
Each year the students of our university participate in the quiz contest on Informatics “Infoshnik”, that is aimed at identifying and developing students’ creativity in field of information technologies. The students participate in the contest of teaching excellence «Demonstration lesson», present their best lessons given during the student teaching practice.
Internship programmes:
The teachers of the department have received trainings in the countries of near and far abroad:
- Technical University of Darmstadt (Sirkeli V.P.)
- Higher Institute for agricultural sciences, food industry, horticulture and landscape management, Agrocampus Ouest, Rennes, France (Velikova T.G., Lupashku S.I.)
- Lappeenranta-Lahti University of Technology (LUT), Finland (Sirkeli V.P.)
- The Nizhegorodsky State University of Engineering and Economics, Knyaginino, Russia (Velikova T.G.)
- International University College, Dobrich, Bulgaria (Sirkeli V.P.)
- The Gheorghe Asachi Technical University Iasi, Romania (Lupashku S.I.)
- The University of Turku, Finland (Sirkeli V.P.)
- Polytechnic Institute of Braganza, Portugal (Sirkeli V.P., Popiel G.P.)
- Sumy State University, Sumy, Ukraine (Velikova T.G.)
- University of Koblenz and Landau, Germany (Iovchu M.I.)
- Kutaisi State University, Georgia (Iovchu M.I.)
- The University of Montpellier, France(Sirkeli V.P.)
- Yerevan State University, Armenia (Sirkeli V.P., Sibova O.G.)
- The University of Nice Sophia Antipolis, France, June 12-16, 2017 (Velikova T.G.)
- The Babeș-Bolyai University, Cluj-Napoca, Romania, Faculty of Political, Administrative and Communication Sciences, February 20-21, 2017 (Velikova T.G.)
- Kingston University, London, June 26 - July 6, 2016. (Velikova T.G.)
- The Alexandru Ioan Cuza University, Iasi, Romania (Kovrikova R.N.)
Participation in the scientific-practical conferences:
The lecturers of the Department annually take part in the scientific-practical conference held at Comrat State University (in February), National scientific and practical conference “The problems and challenges of economy of the region as a result of globalization”.
Our lecturers actively participate in the workshops within the International conference eLearning Moodle Moot Moldova. Department staff is successfully collaborating with the leading higher education institutions from the Republic of Moldova and other countries.
Continuing education courses:
The department organizes the following continuing education courses:
- Didactics of Mathematics
- Didactics of Computer Science
- E-teaching(Advanced ICT training technologies)
Follow this link to find out more information about continuing education courses:
The Training and Methodological Centre of distance education E-learning CENTER
The Training and Methodological Centre of distance education E-learning CENTER has been created and is successfully operating at the department as the part of the project 516597-TEMPUS 1-2011-1-FR «Creating thematic university networks in applied and economical sciences in the Republic of Moldova».
The center organizes, coordinates, and maintains the e-learning processes on the MOODLE platform of CSU (; the center makes it possible to use the electronic education and distance learning technologies at all the faculties of CSU.