Инновационный Инкубатор  Moodle KDU Центр непрерывного образования    



585784-EPP-1- 2017-1-ATEPPKA2-CBHE-JP

Duration:  36 months (2017-2020)

Grant:  615.507 €  


Mr. Johannes Wetzinger – This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

EU partners:

Partner Countries:

Project Summary

The wider objective of the project is to enhance the quality and relevance of six existing Master (MA) programmes in Finance in Armenia and Moldova through targeted reforms. The subject of Finance was chosen, as it is a crucial factor for economic development and skilled graduates in this field are coveted by the business community and the public sector alike. At the same time studies evidence a need for reforms with regard to contents, teaching methodologies and the labour market relevance of study programmes.

Against this background the specific project objectives are:

  1. To reform six existing MA curricula in Finance taking into account the latest international developments in the subject area
  2. To promote the quality and relevance of the MA programmes through the development of updated and new course materials
  3. To further develop the competences and skills of teaching staff through training courses in innovative teaching methodologies and current topics in Finance
  4. To increase the alignment of the MA programmes with labour market requirements.

Plan de învățămînt - download

REFINE project news - view

Official webpage of the project: www.reforming-finance.eu