Инновационный Инкубатор  Moodle KDU Центр непрерывного образования    

Department of Pedagogy and Psychology


Head of Department
СHIRKOV Evgheniy
Doctor of Political Sciences
tel. +373 797 53 552
e-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


History and development of the Department

Intensive development of Comrat State University in the early 90-ies of XX century. he assumed the development of his leadership departments. Since 1995, this department has been part of the Department of Social Sciences. Based on the decision of the Senate decree of Comrat State University of the Republic Of Moldova, the Department of pedagogy has been operating independently since 1997. As an independent structural unit, the Department of pedagogy was created at the initiative and with the participation of Marunevich M. V. - doctor of history, assistant professor. The origin of the formation of the department have been Ibrishim, L. Y., Levinty, G. G., Byanova. I. e., Initially, the department was headed by the Ibrishim, L. Y., professor (1997 to 2006), then the department was headed by professor L. F. Khorozova, and the teacher, Tretyak O. I.

From the academic year 2010-2011, the department is headed by O. Kurteva, PhD lecturer of the University.

During the formation of the department, in accordance with the emergence of new specialties, new educational programs were developed, educational discipline programs, the team grew and developed. Since 2005, the department has organized continuous training courses for teaching staff. Since 2010 - the magistracy begins to work, the first graduates are mainly graduates and members of the Faculty of our university.

Currently, 15 teachers work at the Department (13-full - time and 2 - part-time workers), of which: 8 doctors of science, 7 teachers.

During the existence of the department, 19 graduates took place with a total of over 800 graduates. Graduates of the department work in schools, kindergartens, teacher training colleges, Comrat State University and other educational institutions, as well as in non-governmental organizations, municipality of mun. Comrat.



The mission of the department of education is the training, education, and the development of relevant experts, scholars, cellular, professionals capable of innovation and self-development, conscious of the importance of spiritual values and moral and responsibility, and their civic to the next generation.

Tasks in the field of quality of educational services and training of specialists .

Implementation of the skills-based approach, strengthening practical orientation in the training of specialists.

Organization of educational and methodological support of educational programs, research and educational activities at the University.

Strengthening the scientific, educational and methodological basis, the use of information and communication technologies.

Improvement of educational work, the formation of the cultural and moral environment of students, ensuring the formation of their civic activity and responsibility.

Interaction with educational institutions in the provision of educational services.

Increasing the level of professionalism, qualifications and self-improvement of teaching staff, the most complete realization of their creative potential.



Teaching staff of the department

звание, должность
Преподаваемые дисциплины
1. Куртева Оксана Викторовна
доктор педагогических наук, конф. университар, зав.кафедрой педагогики
Методология научно-педагогического исследования. Компетентностный подход в нач. школе. Современное математическое образование мл. шк. Методика преподавания математики.
2. Яниогло Мария Александровна
доктор педагогики, конф.университар
Общая и социальная педагогика. Ассертивное общение. Дидактика начальной школы. Психология общения. Современные педагогические технологии.
3. Кёр Людмила Степановна
доктор психологии, конф.университар
Психология. Психодиагностика младшего школьника. Педагогическая конфликтология. Психология менеджмента.
4. Ибришим Людмила Юрьевна
реподаватель, и.о. декана факультета нац.культуры
Педагогика. Психология общения. Социальная педагогика. Инклюзивное воспитание. Валеология.
5. Ковалева Елена Антоновна
доктор педагогики, конф. университар
Педагогический менеджмент. Управление персоналом в
доуниверситетском образовательном учреждении. Психология делового общения. Интеркультурный подход семейных отношений.
6. Плэтикэ Адина Анатольевна
доктор психологии, конф. университар
Европейские политики поддержки семьи и ребенка. Социальная защита и менеджмент инклюзивного образования
7. Дрозд Галина Дмитриевна
доктор педагогики, конф. университар
Методология коммуникативно-компетентностного подхода к обучению русскому языку младших школьников. Основы пед. исследования
8. Стратан Валентина Спиридоновна 
доктор спец.психологии, конф. университар
Основы социальной работы. Специальная психопедагогика. Теория социальной работы.
9. Левинтий Галина Георгиевна 
Педагогическая этика и основы педагогического мастерства.
Дошкольная педагогика. Методика трудового воспитания.
10. Бянова Ирина Евгеньевна
Педагогика школы. Методика преподавания русского языка в
начальных классах. Методика обучения грамоте.
11. Влах Мария Константиновна
Психология личности. Социальная работа с семьей и ребенком. Социальные проблемы бедности.
12. Ямбогло Екатерина Ивановна
Методика познания мира. Методика технологического воспитания.
13. Хорозова Лариса Федоровна
Детская психология, Психодиагностика
14. Сукман Василий Иванович
Физическая культура


The Department "pedagogy" prepares highly qualified specialists to the following specialties:

Cycle I:

142.03. Pedagogy of primary education,

142.02. Preschool pedagogy,

142.03 / 142.02. Pedagogy of primary education. Preschool pedagogy,

142.03 / 141.08.04. Pedagogy of primary education and Gagauz language,

331.1 social protection.

Training is carried out in day and correspondence sections.


Cycle II:

Management of pre-university education,

Theory and methodology of primary education,

Social support policies for family and child.

List of Pedagogy Department specialties ( booklet) - view / download

Priority areas of activity of the pedagogy Department:


  • develop training plans for new specialties, programmes, training teaching staff in pre-primary, primary, vocational guidance, psycho-pedagogical courses for teachers and training programmes in psycho-pedagogy for teachers in higher education,
  • ensuring the scientific and methodical level of training,
  • conducting research (methodical–scientific, experimental) at the Department's disciplines,
  • development of basic approaches and training of teachers in the achievement of Moldovan education,
  • ensuring a qualitative system of improvement of employees of pre-school educational institutions in the Republic, primary school teachers ;
  • preparation of didactic-methodical documentation at the department disciplines,
  • ensuring the scientific and methodical substantiation of the generalized advanced pedagogical experience.

The staff of Teachers of the pedagogy Department has a great creative potential, it is distinguished by work and social activity, it is constantly improving.

The transition to the new educational standards, the organization of the training on the new curricula, the growth of scientific knowledge, implementation into the educational process of educational technologies in innovative requires the department to be in constant search for the new content of vocational education.

The department has extensive experience of collaboration with the leading universities of the Republic: their university.  Chisinau, ULIM Chisinau, Academy of Sciences of Chisinau, Peduniversity University of Tiraspol (or.

The quality of the teaching process in the training of specialists is provided by the department, through the optimization of the process, educational-methodological work: introduction of training courses and seminars with special regard to the current problems of the theory and practice of the primary, pre-school, and social work; invited scholars, of the top of the research centers of the commission, carried out the creation of teaching materials and methods, the way it is carried out in equipment of the cabinets of specialist.

According to the qualification of specialists - the department organizes practices in preschool institutions, Primary School, Rehabilitation Center, nursing home, City Hall, Social Support Fund of the population, State and non-state social institutions, where students acquire the skills of the teacher, teachers of primary classes, employees of the social sphere. The teaching staff of the Department lead lilence works, as well as scientific studies of students on the current problems of the theory and practice of preschool, primary education and social assistance.


Educational plans

Учебный план стационарного отделения - просмотр/скачать

Учебный план заочного отделения - просмотр/скачать

Учебный план специальности 0319.1. Социальная защита - просмотр/скачать

Fișe disciplinelor. Specialitatea Pedagogie în învățămăntul primar. Pedagogia preșcolară - просмотр/скачать

Fișe disciplinelor. Specialitatea 142.03 Pedagogie în învățămăntul primar - просмотр/скачать


Programs of continuing education courses for didactic personnel

Программа курсов непрерывного образования
по специальностям "Дошкольная педагогика" - просмотр/скачать

Программа курсов непрерывного образования
по специальностям "Педагогика начального образования" - просмотр/скачать

Курсы непрерывного образования дидактических кадров (буклет) - просмотр/скачать