Инновационный Инкубатор  Moodle KDU Центр непрерывного образования    
Saturday, 21 November 2020 23:10

The project «Increasing the capacity of universities to initiate and participate in the development of clusters on the principles of innovation and sustainability» (UniClaD)

Program Erasmus +, project KA2 n 609944-EPP-1-2019-1-LT-EPPKA2-CBHE-JP
Minute of the work meeting for local stakeholders in Comrat region organized by Comrat State University and the enterprise SRL Fabrica Oloi Pak “SANA”
20th of November 2020


Serghei ZAHARIA, Rector Comrat State University. He agrees that the UniClad project is presented as a cooperation between educational structures at the university and private enterprises, as well as an encouragement to participate in clusters. He informed the participants of the meeting that the Comrat State University will support all initiatives brought up during the project. The University partner's the private enterprise Fabrica Oloi Pak (SANA) will invite students to undertake an internship. Some research works will be implemented within the project's frameworks.

Tatiana RACOVCENA, vice-rector to scientific work presented the main aspects of the project. She noticed the importance of the support of the project by the Comrat State administration and the local authorities. aspects of the project. She noticed the importance of the support of the project by the Comrat State administration and the local authorities.


Liudmila FEDOTOVA, Associate professor of the agrotechnology department of Сomrat State University outlined about the project, the consortium and the European universities experience in promoting clusters. Wine tourism is one of the cluster initiatives in Moldova . The tourism expansion in our region can be carried out not only at the expense of wine lists, but also at the expense of local food production, including organic dairy products. presented the project activities foreseen for three years such as: training sessions, study visits, students mobility, promotion of clusters initiatives at local level, development of new modules, creation of expertise centers, development and implementation of pilot research projects within the centers. Introduced the project team of Comrat State University.

Maria ACBAS, director SRL Fabrica Oloi Pak (SANA). The representative of SRL Fabrica Oloi Pak (SANA) spoke about the role of SANA in the development of the regional economic development cluster in ATU Gagauz Eri. She presented SRL - Dairy products from the Comrat factory Oloi Pak, under the SANA brand, meet all quality standards. These are the results of a study
by the Food Safety Agency (ANSA).150 cows, specializing in a closed production cycle.

As part of Alla LEVITSKAIA, The head of the Inno center, professor, doctor of habilitat of economic sciences, spoke about the clusters in Moldova, scientific research carried out on the basis of clusters.