Инновационный Инкубатор  Moodle KDU Центр непрерывного образования    
Tuesday, 23 April 2024 22:52

On April 19th an informational seminar on the UPGRADE project took place at CSU

On April 19th at Comrat State University took place an informational seminar on the UPGRADE project - Enhancing Graduates’ Employability Tracking in Moldova (No. 101129166). The UPGRADE project is an initiative aimed at improving the quality of tracking and analyzing graduates' career opportunities of HEI’s of  Republic of Moldova.

Vice Rector for Research and International Relations Dr. Assoc. Professor  Svetlana GENOVA, gave an opening speech. In her address, she noted that this project offers a unique opportunity to improve the tracking of graduates' career paths, which will enable Moldovan universities to adapt their educational programs to modern labor market demands and foster the development of partnerships between educational institutions and enterprises of the region and  country.

During the seminar, project coordinator Dr. Assoc. Professor  Tatiana RAKOVCHENA presented the project's goals, objectives, and expected outcomes.

Dr. Habil. Professor Alla LEVITSKAYA, a member of the working group, shared the experience of the University of Valencia (Spain) in the field of policies and tools for facilitating and tracking student employment. The professor also presented existing policies and mechanisms for promoting career development based on the experience of Comrat State University. This allowed seminar participants to learn about leading practices in supporting students from the EU and to gain broader insight into CSU's experience in career growth.

Dr. Assoc. Professor Nadejda IANIOGLO, a member of the working group, presented information on the work packages and implementation timeline of the UPGRADE project.

In conclusion, project coordinator Dr. Assoc. Professor  Tatiana RAKOVCHENA highlighted the importance of the project for the region and expressed hope that the UPGRADE project will become a foundation for further cooperation between Comrat State University and other stakeholders in the field of student employment and career development.

