(WP5, Deliverable 5.3)
Lecturer: Zvyatkov Vitaliy, Director of «FinСomBank»
Commercial Bank, Comrat
In the hall of the Eurocenter KDU in the framework of the project Reforming the Master in Finance Programmes in Armenia and Moldova / REFINE An Erasmus+ Capacity Building Project (2017-2020), with financial support from the European Union and to improve the level of students knowledge in the financial sector 21.02.2020 at 14:00 the head of SA "FinСomBank" Zvyatkov Vitalii held an open lecture for students of economic faculty KDU, (II cycle master and cycle I – licentiate) on the topic: "MODERN FORMS AND METHODS of REMOTE BANKING CUSTOMER SERVICE."
Erasmus+ Capacity Building in Higher Education Project:
“Reforming Master Programmes in Finance in Armenia and Moldova” (REFINE)
www.reforming-finance.eu | Project No. 585784-EPP-1-2017-1-AT-EPPKA2-CBHE-JP