Date: 16.04.2020
Institution and venue: COMRAT STATE UNIVERSITY, s.Galatsana 17, Comrat, Republic of Moldova
Name of speaker: Dudus Veaceslav, Director of “Melange & Co”
Title of presentation: "Analysis of financial flows of an enterprise at various stages of the company's growth»
On April 16, an open lecture was held by the director of the company “Melange & Co”, a resident of the Innovation Incubator “InnoCenter” Viacheslav Dudush for students of the MEF-19 group. Students studying in the 1st year of the Master's program in Corporate Finance, which was modernized in framework of the REFINE project. Due to the transition to distance learning, the lecture was held online.
As the lecture “Analysis of enterprise financial flows at various stages of company growth”, Mr. Dudush shared his personal experience in building and managing financial flows of a company at various stages of the innovation process, from developing and introducing a new product, managing financial flows at the company's growth stage, and ending with anti-crisis management measures in a modern challenging for business situation related with COVID-19.
Students asked questions regarding future plans for the development of the company, processes for optimizing the internal financial flows of the company and the rational distribution of funds for the company’s development. | Project No. 585784-EPP-1-2017-1-AT-EPPKA2-CBHE-JP