Инновационный Инкубатор  Moodle KDU Центр непрерывного образования    
Wednesday, 20 March 2024 10:09

Internship Assoc.Prof. from the Agro-Technological Faculty of Comrat State University in the field of innovative technologies in agriculture - "Conservative Agriculture" in Cordoba, Spain

In the Republic of Moldova, the implementation of soil conservation technologies represents one of the few methods capable of mitigating the adverse effects of climate change, restoring soil structure, and reducing air pollution. Further refinement of these technologies requires deeper research and the exchange of experiences with other countries where these methods are already widely used.

From March 10th to March 16th, 2024, representatives from leading educational institutions of the country (UTM, USM, USC), the Ministry of Agriculture and Food Industry, the National Center for Seed Research and Production, the State Technical Supervision Inspectorate "Intehagro," as well as representatives from agricultural enterprises (Agro Teh GSM SRL, Solearis Invest SRL, Agrodumion SRL) of the Republic of Moldova participated in a study tour and knowledge exchange in the field of innovative technologies in agriculture - "Conservative Agriculture" in Cordoba, Spain. The study tour was organized by UCIP IFAD as part of the IFAD VII project "Rural Resilience https://www.ucipifad.md/programe/programe-in-derulare/proiectul-rezilienta-rurala-ifad-vii/.

The purpose of the study tour was to strengthen and develop potential, as well as to enhance knowledge levels on technical and technological aspects of implementing innovative technologies in agricultural production, particularly "Conservation Agriculture."

During this visit, the following activities were conducted:

  • Training at the University of Córdoba;
  • Exchange of experiences with representatives of the European Federation of Conservation Agriculture;
  • Training at the Andalusian Research and Training Institute of Agriculture and Fisheries (IFAPA);
  • Skills enhancement at agricultural enterprises utilizing conservation agriculture technologies, including "El Valenciano" (Marchena, Sevilla), "BALAM," "El Rosario" (Villalba del Alcor, Huelva), and "La Parrilla" (Palma del Rio, Córdoba).

Such an exchange of knowledge and experience allows for a better understanding of the effectiveness and applicability of these methods in the agriculture of the Republic of Moldova, as well as their adaptation to local conditions. This contributes not only to reducing the negative impact on the environment but also to enhancing the resilience of agriculture to climate change and other agroclimatic challenges. We express our gratitude to the director of UCIP IFAD, Iurie Ușurelu, for providing the opportunity for the representative of Comrat State University, PhD, Assoc.Prof. Serghei Cara, to participate in this study tour. We look forward to further fruitful cooperation between our institutions.

The information message was prepared by PhD, Assoc.Prof. Serghei Cara.