On April 24, 2024, the team of Comrat State University participated in the online meeting of the partners of the ENRICHER hubs project - project ERASMUS-EDU-2022-CBHE-STRAND-2. Representatives of universities from the project partner countries: Finland, Austria, Italy, Georgia and Moldova familiarized the participants of the meeting with the implementation of the project tasks, within the WP 1, WP 2, WP 6, WP 7 plan. From Comrat State University the members (leading experts) of the ENRICHER-hub project working team participated in the online meeting: project coordinator - Liudmila Fedotova, Assoc. prof., PhD; Vice-rector for research activities and international relations, Svetlana Ghenova, Assoc. prof., PhD; dean of the Faculty of Economics, Liudmila Todorici Assoc. prof., PhD; Head of the Department of Economics, Snejana Musca Assoc. prof., PhD; Natalia Shchukina Assoc. prof., PhD habil. The participants of the project told to the partners about the conducted surveys within WP 2, paid attention to the categories of respondents and defined the terms of providing the results of the surveys and placing them on the Teams platform for familiarization of all partners and their use in further work on the project. Special attention was paid to WP6 - Dissemination activities. Representatives of partner universities presented information about the materials placed within the framework of the project activities on the websites of universities and social networks. The question how to reach different target groups of stakeholders was discussed. The partners also discussed the upcoming study visits and information meetings to be held online and on the basis of partner universities within the framework of the project program activities. Criteria for selection of participants of the meetings were proposed. We remind that on January 1, 2024 the project “dEsigNing gReen tourIsm Concepts tHrough lEaRning” (Development of green tourism concepts through training) (ENRICHER hubs - project) ERASMUS-EDU-2022-CBHE-STRAND-2, the project grantholder is Haaga-Helia University of Applied Sciences (Finland), the international project coordinator is Nora Lappalainen, the project implementation period is 3 years. The project is funded by the European Commission under the Erasmus+ CBHE fund.
Thursday, 25 April 2024 13:10
Online meeting of the working group of experts of Comrat State University within the international project ENRICHER hubs
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