On May 22, 2024, the next scheduled online meeting of partners in the ENRICHER hubs project – project ERASMUS-EDU-2022-CBHE-STRAND-2 took place. Comrat State University was represented at the meeting by members of the working team of the ENRICHER-hub project: project coordinator – doctor, conf. univ., Fedotova L.V.; Vice-Rector for Research and International Relations, Doctor, conf. Univ. Genova S.I.; Dean of the Faculty of Economics, Doctor, Conf. Univ. Todorich L.P.; head department Economics, Doctor, conf. Univ., Muska S.F.; Doctor habilitat, prof. Levitskaya A. P., Doctor habilitat, conf.univ. Shchukina N.V.
The main focus of the meeting was the implementation of WP6 – Dissemination. The presentation “How to reach different target groups” was made by the project coordinator from the Moldavian State University, Dr. Elena Simciuc, who drew attention to the main goals and the importance of disseminating information about the project’s activities and the need to expand coverage to include representatives of different target groups. audiences. The stages were outlined for successful work on disseminating information and ideas of the project: identifying the target audience; development of a strategy by each of the project partners; international channels for presenting information; impact of the project.
As a workshop during the meeting, participants completed an online worksheet defining the work on WP6 – Dissemination, identifying target groups for each partner and determining the most effective ways to disseminate information about the project to specific target groups.
Natalia Shchukina, who is responsible in the Comrat University team for WP6, informed the participants of rhe meering about the planning of work on this work package, what methods of disseminating information for which target groups are seen by the team as the most profitable and effective.
We remind you that on January 1, 2024, the project “dEsigNing gReen tourIsm Concepts tHrough lEaRning” (Development of the concept of green tourism through education) (ENRICHER hubs – project) ERASMUS-EDU-2022-CBHE-STRAND-2 was launched, the grand holder of the project is Haaga-Helia University of Applied Sciences (Finland), international project coordinator - Nora Lappalainen, project implementation period - 3 years.
The project is funded by the European Commission under the Erasmus+ CBHE fund.