Инновационный Инкубатор  Moodle KDU Центр непрерывного образования    

Project Title & No  “Improving skills in laboratory practice for agro-food specialists in Eastern Europe Region” (586383-EPP-1-2017-1-SI-EPPKA2-CBHE-JP) «Ag-Lab».

   According to the results of the grant competition of Erasmus + 2017, Comrat State  University has gained funding within the framework of Institutional Cooperation (CBHE / ex-Tempus). In particular, Comrat State University is one of the partners of University of Ljubljana (Slovenia) in the porject “Improving skills in laboratory practice for agro-food specialists in Eatsren Europe Region” (586383-EPP-1-2017-1-SI-EPPKA2-CBHE-JP).

    The project “Improving skills in laboratory practice for agro-food specialists in Eatsren Europe Region” has become effective since 14 November, 2017.

The agreement of collaboration  signed towards the end of April, 2018.

Applicant: University of Ljubljana (Slovenia);

18 universities and laboratories from different countries are engaged in the project;

Partner N 9 is Comrat State University;

The role of Comrat State University in the project is linked to the overall project goals and priorities. Its involvement focuses on the implementation of the project activities. The activities will be held in accordance to the overall schedule of activities. One of the main roles of the CSU within the project will be focusing on implementation of the project goals in the University and in the community in general.

CSU will use all the University capacity – training centers, academic and administrative environment in order to develop and implement the activities of the project.

CSU will be focusing on developing teaching and learning materials, publication of the project materials, dissemination of the information on project and the results on local and national levels.

Aims and Objectives

The main aim of the project is to improve the quality control of agro-food products in the countries which have recently become associated EU members by improving upon the training of their specialists.  The project deals with the part of the Agreement related to food and agricultural products safety which can be ensured through appropriate laboratory control and approximation to EU legislation and standards.

This will be achieved through three specific objectives: 

- To create specialized master courses dedicated to the laboratory practice for the specialists of the agro-food sector in UA, GE and MD (veterinary medicine, agronomy, animal husbandry, food technologies);

- To create at special courses at the university partners for the post-diploma training of laboratory staff working in the agro-food sector;

- To update the training courses provided by laboratories to their staff;

- To create new practices of collaboration between universities and laboratories on the basis of mutual profitability: creation of an  exchange platform enabling to adapt graduates’ skills and competences to need of the labour market, to provide the continual curricula updating and to provide regular  updating of the skills and competences required for agro-food laboratories staff.        

The project outputs are of 4 categories:

- Elaborated training courses and obtained necessary competences for students and laboratory staff;

- Trained teacher’s teams;

- Pedagogical supports;

- Created tools for cooperative teaching with the participation of universities and acting laboratories staff.

Project activities and methodology:

The project is foreseen for 36 months. It is aimed to creation of specialized 4 courses dedicated to laboratory practice in agro-food sector:  veterinary medicine, agronomy, animal husbandry and food technologies.  One transversal course will be developed. The proposed courses will be also developed

EU grant requested from the European Union ( in EUR)

Name of Partner

Staff costs

Travel Costs

Costs of Stay

Equipment Costs

Subcontracting costs

Total costs

(in EUR)


Comrat State University










Новости проекта AG-LAB
