Инновационный Инкубатор  Moodle KDU Центр непрерывного образования    
Thursday, 17 March 2022 13:25

A Visit of the Independent Journalist to Comrat State University

On March 15, 2022, The Dean of the Faculty of National Culture of the Comrat State University https://kdu.md/, Piotr Pashali, Doctor of Historical Sciences, met with the independent Spanish journalist Argemino Barro. The guest lives in New York and works for EL Confidencial, La Sexta and Television de Galicia and specializes in Eastern European History.

The general purpose of his visit is to present and show a program on television about the Gagauzian people who live in Eastern Europe. During the meeting, Dr. Piotr Pashali spoke in detail about the stages of creation and international recognition of ATU Gagauzia, which has been part of the Republic of Moldova since 1994. There are three official languages ​​in Gagauzia: Gagauzian, Romanian and Russian. The Gagauzian language is the native language for the majority of residents (84%) living in the territory of Gagauzia. In educational institutions, the subjects of History, Culture and Traditions of the Gagauz language, Fine Arts and Music are taught in the Gagauzian language. The language policy of the mass media in ATU Gagauzia provides for broadcasting in the Gagauzian language, along with the other two official languages ​​of the Autonomy - Russian and Romanian ones.

Argemino Barro expressed his respect and thanked the Dean of the University for organizing the meeting, for the hospitality and generosity of the Gagauzian people, about which he had read and had previously heard from his colleagues who came to Gagauzia from other European countries. Dr. Piotr expressed his wish to establish closer cooperation between the Comrat State University and the Universities of Spain.

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