In accordance with ANACEC Governing Board decision and with the Guidelines for External Evaluation, the study program 0414.1 Marketing și logistică was authorized and the following educational programmes were accredited for a period of 5 years:
- 1/0112.1 Pedagogia învăţămîntului primar. Pedagogia preșcolară (full-time and part-time) (cycle I of higher education)
- 0113 Teoria şi metodologia învăţământului primar (cycle II of higher education)
- 0114 Managementul educaţional (cycle II of higher education)
We congratulate the faculty and the students for this outstanding accomplishment!
Conscientious work and responsible attitude in preparing for the accreditation process became the key to the successful completion of this important stage. We are proud of our professors and students who showed the necessary knowledge, and most importantly, discipline and high responsibility at the stage of preparation for the accreditation examination!
We wish the academic personnel, the whole staff and the students new achievements and success in their professional and educational activities!
Administration of Comrat State University