Корпоративная почта КГУИнновационный Инкубатор  Moodle KDU Центр непрерывного образования    
Thursday, 14 November 2024 00:08

The faculty members of Comrat State University participated in the International Scientific Conference "Inter/transdisciplinary Approaches in the Teaching of Natural Sciences (STEAM Concept),"

The faculty members of Comrat State University participated in the International Scientific Conference "Inter/transdisciplinary Approaches in the Teaching of Natural Sciences (STEAM Concept)," 4th edition, dedicated to the memory of the university professor Andrei Hariton

From November 1 to 2, 2024, the Ion Creangă State Pedagogical University in Chișinău hosted the International Scientific Conference "Inter/transdisciplinary Approaches in the Teaching of Natural Sciences (STEAM Concept)," 4th edition, dedicated to the memory of the university professor Andrei Hariton, who passed away on April 28, 2024, at the age of 92. Andrei Hariton was the first professor at the university in the field of didactics of mathematics, rector of the Tiraspol State Pedagogical Institute named after T.G. Shevchenko from 1978 to 1986, rector of the Institute for the Improvement of the Pedagogical Staff from 1989 to 2002, dean of the Faculty of Physics and Mathematics, head of the Department of Didactics of Mathematics, Physics, and Informatics at the Tiraspol State University from 2003 to 2015. For his contributions, Andrei Hariton was awarded numerous high honors. He also contributed to the preparation of teaching staff and doctoral candidates for the Comrat State University. Under his guidance, the following individuals defended their doctoral theses: Assoc. Prof., PhD Tatiana Velicova, in 2013, and Assoc. Prof., PhD Raisa Covricova, in 2014. Tatiana Velicova and Raisa Covricova actively participated in this large-scale international conference, delivering presentations related to their scientific research and sharing their memories of their academic mentor, Andrei Hariton. The conference was organized by the Faculty of Physics, Mathematics, and Information Technologies.

Detailed information about the conference is available at the following links:

Sesiunea de comemorare a profesorului universitar Andrei Hariton  https://upsc.md/2024/11/04/sesiunea-de-comemorare-a-profesorului-universitar-andrei-hariton

Conferința Științifică Internațională „Abordări inter/transdisciplinare în predarea științelor reale (concept STEAM)”, ediția a IV-a




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