The 2024 Human Rights and Equality Festival was organized by the Office of the People's Advocate of the Republic of Moldova. Each student had the opportunity to learn about the activities of human rights organizations in the Republic of Moldova, which presented informational materials about their work in the field of human rights protection in the foyer of the Republican Palace. Students from Comrat State University (CSU), by answering questions on human rights topics, received interesting prizes. In the hall of the Republican Palace, documentary films were shown about certain human rights issues in the Republic of Moldova. In particular, one film told the story of a family affected by domestic violence, while another highlighted the challenges of providing medical assistance to persons with disabilities. The film screenings were followed by an engaging discussion. The highlight of the festival was an intellectual quiz game that tested knowledge in the field of human rights. The game involved 15 different teams, including those from universities across the Republic of Moldova and human rights organizations. The questions were interesting but quite challenging, requiring not only knowledge but also ingenuity and broad understanding of human rights. The CSU team represented their university with dignity in the game, while also networking with students from other universities and gaining valuable and interesting knowledge. The students particularly enjoyed their interaction with the People's Advocate of the Republic of Moldova, Mr. Ceslav Panico, to whom they shared information about Gagauzia and Comrat State University.