Инновационный Инкубатор  Moodle KDU Центр непрерывного образования    
Monday, 06 June 2022 20:26


03.06.2022 Rector of CSU, https://kdu.md/  Serghei Zaharia, PhD. Assoc. Professor, met with the chairperson of the “Comrat Legal Clinic”, Public Association, https://legalclinic.md/  Natalia Baurciulu.

Within the framework of the meeting, the Comrat State University and the Public Association  “Comrat Legal Clinic” signed this cooperation agreement.

The purpose of its signing is to provide new opportunities for students of the Faculty of Law of the Comrat State University to develop professional skills and abilities by combining theoretical and practical knowledge. Thus, students of the Faculty of Law will have the opportunity to practice at the “Comrat Legal Clinic”, during which students will be able to apply their theoretical knowledge in practice.

Curators who will work with students are ready to teach them the basics of interviewing and advising beneficiaries applying for legal aid; drawing up procedural documents (complaints, statements, statements of claim), and working with legislation.

The Public Association “Comrat Legal Clinic” expresses its gratitude to the Comrat State University for the assistance provided and will make the necessary efforts to ensure that the practice of students becomes effective and efficient.

The implementation of such an initiative by the Public Association “Comrat Legal Clinic” has become possible for students within the framework of the program “Support for the reform of criminal justice and the fight against corruption in the Republic of Moldova”, implemented by ABA ROLI with financial support from the Office of Drug Enforcement and Law Enforcement (INL) US State Department.

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