Please accept our sincerest and warmest congratulations on your birthday! Your high professionalism, dedication to your work, and willingness to share profound knowledge are inspiring and deserve great respect. You are not only a talented teacher but also an outstanding scientist and a wise leader who successfully combines scientific achievements with the important mission of Vice-Rector for Science and International Relations. On this remarkable day, we wholeheartedly wish you robust health, boundless energy, and new achievements in your professional activities. May each of your projects be crowned with success, and may your efforts always find resonance in the hearts of colleagues and students. May your work bring joy, pride, and inspiration, and may each day be filled with new ideas, happy events, and pleasant surprises. May harmony, love, and family well-being always reign in your life, and may those around you offer warmth, respect, and support. May new horizons, brilliant discoveries, and fruitful collaborations await you in the future!
With deep respect and the warmest wishes,
Administration of Comrat State University