Инновационный Инкубатор  Moodle KDU Центр непрерывного образования    
Wednesday, 22 May 2024 16:14

Comrat State University participated in the technical cluster meeting dedicated to the promotion and dissemination of Erasmus+ projects in the Republic of Moldova


Erasmus+ National Office in the Republic of Moldova held on May 20, 2024 a cluster session on "Promotion and dissemination of Erasmus+ projects in the Republic of Moldova". The event took place at the State University of Moldova and gathered institutional teams of Erasmus+ projects (including Comrat State University), as well as academic and administrative staff of universities. During the meeting, the participants discussed the experience and best practices in promoting Erasmus+ projects (CBHE and Jean Monnet), as well as the dissemination of the results obtained. Also, the contribution of the Universities of the Republic of Moldova and stakeholders involved in these projects was highlighted, indicating both successes and problems encountered during the implementation. The program of the event included presentations and interactive discussions that facilitated the exchange of ideas among the participants. Teams had the opportunity to share information on the promotion of their projects and dissemination of their results, which facilitated constructive discussion. At the end of the session, a debriefing was held to summarize the results of the discussions and identify further steps to improve the promotion and dissemination of Erasmus+ projects in the Republic of Moldova. This event is part of the activity plan of the Erasmus+ National Office, developed and approved by EACEA, and emphasizes the continued commitment to support and implement European educational projects in the Republic of Moldova. We remind that Comrat State University is an active participant of the projects within the Erasmus+ program funded by the European Commission.


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