Инновационный Инкубатор  Moodle KDU Центр непрерывного образования    
Wednesday, 14 September 2022 14:35

Meeting of the US Embassy representatives with the Administration of Comrat State University

On the 9th of September 2022, the meeting of the US Embassy representatives Mr. Brian, Cultural Attache, and Miss Țurcan, Specialist in Public Involwement, with the Administration of Comrat State University took place. Rector of Comrat State University Serghey Zaharia and Vice-rector for Science and International Relations Sofia Sulac welcomed this year’s English Teaching Assistant Lucinda Ray to the university on the basis of the Fulbright Program. The Program builds mutual understanding between the United States and Moldova. The meeting took place in the rector’s office. Both sides were glad to see each other. Rector: “We are really glad we shall have you as a Fulbright ETA at our Comrat State University, namely, at our Foreign Languages Department.  I am sure you will be very helpful for our students in learning and speaking English. It is always an advantage to have a native language speaker. I believe our students will improve their knowledge of English”.  

Vice-rector for Science and International Relations Sofia Sulac told Lucinda  about Foreign Languages Department.  “There are 9 lecturers.  Five of them have their PhD, others 4 are still working over them. Our lecturers are very good, kind people. They are very sociable and always ready to help. That is why, do not hesitate and ask for anything you will need.”

In her turn, Lucinda announced: “I've heard wonderful things about your department and students from Santiago Losada and have no doubt that working with them will be an invaluable experience. I can't wait to get started!”

Rector added: “As for our students, they are very nice, cute and smart ones.  They are hardworking, sociable and obedient.  I am sure it will be very interesting for you to work with them. Sometimes you will learn something new from them. As it is said ‘Live and learn’. It is a well-known fact that people should never stop learning.”  

Concluding, rector and vice-rector expressed their gratitude to US Embassy and Lucinda on behalf of CSU. They are happy to have Lucinda at CS University. Rector mentioned: “We shall do our best to help you with everything. We wish you strong health, great patience, success in everything you do and let God always help you in your doings”.

Every year the Fullbright Program in collaboration with Comrat State University gives the opportunity to university students and lecturers to learn English for free.

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